When it comes to making kids laugh, puns are the best trick in the book – but not all puns are created equal. Dad jokes are a special type of pun that has a special place in our hearts (and our heads). Whether they’re silly, corny or thoughtful, these dad jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. So what exactly defines a dad joke? A dad joke is a joke that is intentionally, and unnecessarily, corny. It’s also a pun or some form of wordplay that is so cheesy that it becomes funny. Unlike regular puns, which are often considered stale and unfunny, dad jokes have a special kind of humor that is not only funny to kids but adults too. Dad jokes are also different from other types of jokes in that they rely on a reversal of the polarity of a situation or event to be humorous. This is why they’re so popular with children, as it gives them a chance to make fun of themselves. For instance, if someone tells a joke about the school prankster who wore a chicken suit to class, it will be funny to a child because it reveals them as a big-time prankster. But if you’re a grownup and tell that same joke to your friends, it won’t be as funny because they will see the irony in it. Another way that dad jokes are so funny is because they violate linguistic norms and social rules in a unique and hilarious way. Normally, when a person shifts to a humorous mode of discourse, it’s because they have something genuinely funny to say. However, dad jokes flagrantly disregard these norms by following a shift in tone with a tame pun. Because of this, they can be incredibly funny to watch, even though they’re not intended to be. Finally, dad jokes are a good way for fathers to teasingly embarrass their children in a safe and harmless manner. It’s for this reason that they are a great fit for the modern era and the distinctly softer and less domineering father figure that has emerged in recent times. As a result, dad jokes are both a fascinating and funny phenomenon that reveals a lot about the nature of humour and father-child relationships. funny dad jokes