How to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone
Voicemail is a useful feature on iPhone but it can also be quite costly. However, you can turn off the service if you don’t need it or don’t want to pay for it.
There are several ways to do this, including via the settings in your iPhone ‘phone’ app. You can also call your mobile service provider.
1. Go to the Phone app
Voicemail is a feature on iPhones that enables you to store unanswered calls. It can be helpful, especially if you have lots of family or friends that call regularly. However, if you find that you no longer need voicemail or want to deactivate it altogether, you can do so with just a few steps.
The first thing you should do is go to the Phone app on your device. This is where you’ll be able to check your voicemail, and it’s also the place where you can set up passwords if you need to.
Depending on your service provider, you may be able to disable voicemail by going into the settings of your device. These are specific to each carrier and may vary depending on your location.
One of the fastest and easiest ways to deactivate voicemail is by using a man-machine-interface (MMI) code, which tells your mobile service provider that you don’t want to use their voicemail. The only problem is that not all mobile service providers around the world adhere to these MMI codes.
Another method is to simply forward all your calls to a single number, then disable voicemail by entering that number into the Phone app. This will work if you are on a plan that supports this function, such as Sprint’s Talk Home Mobile.
If you are on a plan that doesn’t support this feature, such as pre-paid or pay-as-you-go plans, you’ll need to get in touch with your carrier directly. They’ll need to know your phone number and password so they can disable the voicemail feature.
It is also possible to temporarily disable voicemail by dialing a shortcode. This shortcode will only work for carriers that support this feature, so it’s worth trying if your carrier doesn’t offer it or isn’t willing to help you.
The only downside to this approach is that it will delete all saved greetings and messages from your account. Nevertheless, it should be the fastest way to deactivate voicemail on your iPhone and should work with most carriers.
2. Go to Settings
Voicemail is a great feature on your iPhone, storing messages left for you by people who have missed your call. However, it can also be a source of frustration for some users. If you find yourself constantly checking voicemail, or if you simply don’t need it, there are ways to disable voicemail on your iPhone.
The first method is to contact your mobile service provider and ask them to turn off voicemail for you. This is by far the easiest and most permanent way to disable your voicemail on your iPhone, but it’s important to remember that this will delete all saved greetings and messages from your service provider’s database.
Another option is to use an app that will divert your calls to a virtual number and let you listen to the messages without needing to call the person back. This method isn’t available for all carriers, though, so be sure to check before you try it.
Finally, there’s an old and tried-and-true way to deactivate voicemail on your iPhone using a code that you can dial from the phone app. This isn’t a very popular method, but it can work for some users.
For example, for most GSM providers in the US, you can deactivate your voicemail temporarily by entering the service code ##004# into the phone app. Once you do this, the message “Setting Deactivation Succeeded” will appear and you’ll be able to disable your voicemail on your iPhone.
In addition, you can also call your carrier’s customer support team and ask them to disable your voicemail for you. This is a less permanent solution than the other methods and it will also delete your saved greetings, messages, and settings from your provider’s database.
Finally, you can also try to reset the password for your voicemail on your iPhone. This is an optional step and can be tricky, but it may help you get the issue resolved. You’ll need to provide your IMEI code, the approximate time you started experiencing this problem, and your current SIM serial number (if you’re not already on a pre-paid plan).
3. Go to Accounts
The iPhone’s voicemail service is a popular feature that most users enjoy using, but if you’ve got a busy schedule or simply don’t like the idea of having to leave messages for people, you may want to disable this feature on your phone. There are a few ways to go about this, though the easiest way is to contact your mobile service provider and ask them to deactivate your voicemail.
One of the most common reasons that voicemail stops working is because your phone’s cellular carrier has updated its call forwarding settings, which send calls to another number instead of your iPhone. This can cause your voicemail to stop working, since it depends on your cellular carrier’s phone number to work properly.
Some cellular carriers are more than willing to help their customers get back on track, and you might be able to fix this issue by calling your carrier’s customer support line. They should be able to help you find out why your voicemail isn’t working and offer options to fix it.
Your carrier might also be able to disable your voicemail passwords for you. This is a security measure that shields your voicemails from prying eyes. However, if you no longer need this function, or if you’re planning on changing your carrier, it’s a good idea to remove the passwords from your account.
To do this, you’ll need to dial a certain code on your phone. It’s called an MMI code, or Man-Machine Interface code.
This code tells your mobile service provider to disable your conditional call forwarding settings, which are a feature that your voicemail relies on. It’s an easy way to quickly disable your voicemail and conditional call forwarding, but it’s not guaranteed to work.
If you’re using a popular service, such as T-mobile or Verizon, you should be able to disable your voicemail through the Phone app on your device. This is usually done by choosing Settings > Visual Voicemail, depending on your service.
Alternatively, you can disable your voicemail through your carrier’s online account settings. Most services have a website that allows you to change your voicemail settings. You’ll also need to create an account to do so. This can be a bit of a hassle, but it’s usually free and saves you the time and stress of having to call your mobile service provider directly to deactivate voicemail.
4. Go to Voicemail
If you don’t want to receive messages from people who don’t have your phone number saved in their contact lists, you can disable voicemail on your iPhone. The simplest way to do this is by using a third-party app. However, not all apps support this option.
To disable voicemail, open the Phone app and tap Voicemail in the bottom right corner. If you’re not a subscriber to this service, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Once you’ve done this, the app will display your voicemails in an organized manner, making it easy to browse and listen to them.
From here, you can play back an already-heard message via speakerphone or earpiece, share the message as an audio file, open the contact details, or even delete it altogether. You can also drag a slider dot to the left or right to rewind or fast forward.
When a new voicemail arrives, you’ll get an alert that lets you know it’s waiting for you to call. Depending on the app you use, this alert will either show in your notifications pane or in the notification bar at the top of your screen.
You can reactivate voicemail by going to the same app and tapping Voicemail again. From here, you can choose to play an already-heard message, pause it, and choose to call the person back or share it as an audio file.
If you have any trouble accessing your voicemail, or if it doesn’t work properly, contact your cellular carrier. They’re the ones who control the voicemail feature, and they will likely have a better understanding of what’s happening on your device than you do.
Some cellular carriers update their settings regularly, and this could be causing your voicemail to work incorrectly. If you’re not sure what the problem is, try disabling your voicemail for a few hours or a day and then turning it on again.
If that doesn’t work, you can try calling your phone provider to ask them to turn off your voicemail. Often, they’ll have a dedicated support team that can do this for you. You’ll have to pay a small fee to speak with a representative, but it’s worth it.