michael kors handbag sales is one of the most popular and respected brands in the world, and its handbags are coveted by fashion-conscious women around the globe. Its bags and accessories are characterized by jet-set aesthetics combined with a refined sense of glamour.
However, this high-fashion brand’s booming growth has come with its fair share of negative publicity. In the past few years, many shoppers have been tempted to buy knock-off Michael Kors items at cheaper prices. This has led to a number of counterfeit handbags being sold online and in the street. These replicas often look very similar to the authentic ones and can be difficult to spot, but with a little know-how, you can identify an authentic Michael Kors bag from a fake one without too much effort.
A few ways to tell an authentic bag from a fake are by its material, color, logo print and lining. An authentic bag usually has a light, smooth leather exterior with a solid or patterned lining. A knock-off will use darker, sanded-down leather and a synthetic lining. Knock-off logos will also be printed in a way that’s different from the original. The linings will also usually have a cross-hatched or chain pattern that’s different from the standard horizontal logo.
You can save on Michael Kors bags by shopping in outlet stores. These are usually located near department stores and offer reduced prices on overstock or past-season items. You may be able to find clearance items at 50% off, and New Arrivals often have items marked down by 25%.
Sign up for the Michael Kors newsletter to receive exclusive offers and deals that aren’t available to the public. The company also posts sales and promotions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also sign up for its KORSVIP rewards program to enjoy benefits like free shipping, birthday rewards and private styling appointments.
Shop the Michael Kors outlet website for discounted items from last season. The website features a search engine that allows you to narrow your searches by price range, item type, and designer. The site also has a store locator to help you find outlets near you.
Another way to save on Michael Kors is by shopping at discount retailers, such as eBay and Poshmark. These sites offer low prices on a wide variety of products, including clothing, shoes and accessories.
You should always check out the return policy before you buy a product. You can get a refund or exchange an item within seven days of purchase, as long as you have proof of purchase using a receipt. This is especially important if you’re buying an item that’s on sale and you want to get the best price possible.
If you don’t have a receipt, it’s a good idea to return any item for a store credit rather than a cash refund. This can save you a lot of money on the total cost of your purchase.
Don’t forget to sign up for a Michael Kors credit card and use it to earn points and cashback on your purchases. These can then be used to pay for your future purchases, and you’ll be able to score big savings on your next Michael Kors purchase!