Pine Tree Hill is an above average, public school located in CAMDEN, SC. It has 478 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 13:1. According to state test scores, 40% of students are at least proficient in math and 51% in reading. This school is ranked #205 in South Carolina Elementary Schools by Niche. Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from parents and students.
The Pine Tree Trail begins at the end of High Pines Road, just after the Telekom Malaysia guest house. The trail and especially the Pine Tree Hill summit offers fantastic vistas. Pine Tree Hill trail is one of the most popular trails in the area, and it is well maintained by local volunteers.
If you are looking for a place to stay near the Pine Tree Hill, there are many hotels and bed and breakfasts nearby. Some are less expensive than others, but all of them offer a good location near the trail.
You can also find great restaurants, bars and cafes in the neighborhood. For example, you can enjoy a delicious meal at the popular restaurant named Sunset Way, which is known for its wide selection of food and drinks. The restaurant is conveniently located in the neighborhood and is just a short drive away from the Pine Tree Hill.
Those who want to commute to work can take the bus to reach their destination quickly. The bus services are operated by the Singapore Transportation Authority and they offer regular trips to various destinations throughout the city. The bus stops near the development are easily accessible and provide a variety of options for passengers to choose from.pinetree hill