CBD can be found in lotions, oils, vape pens and other wellness products. It’s marketed as a natural cure for a wide variety of conditions.
CBD is known to reduce anxiety and stress. A 2020 study found that CBD may also help with pain and sleep disorders. It appears to work by hitting molecular targets throughout the body.
Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness or unease that typically occurs in the absence of an immediate threat. CBD can calm anxiety by interacting with receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system.
A 2019 study found that people who took CBD reported a reduction in psychiatric symptoms including depression and anxiety. However, researchers cautioned that the quality and purity of the CBD product could influence these results.
Additionally, cbd can interact with certain medications such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants, increasing blood levels of these drugs. Therefore, those taking any medication should speak to a doctor before trying cbd. The Mighty is a website that has over 2 million registered users who post stories, videos, essays, and more in an effort to lessen stigma around mental health conditions like anxiety.
Depression is a serious mental health condition that can be debilitating. It’s characterized by a persistent low mood, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite (including lack of interest in food or nausea around eating), and extreme fatigue.
CBD has been shown to increase serotonin, which is a natural mood-boosting chemical in the brain. It’s also been shown to reduce anxiety. In one study, a psychiatric team found that patients taking CBD reported significant improvements in emotional wellbeing using the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale-revised (ESAS-r) compared to those who didn’t take CBD.
However, if you’re already taking medication to treat depression or anxiety, it’s important to talk with your doctor before trying cbd. They may recommend that you slowly reduce your dosage of medication or change the way that you take it to ensure that you don’t experience any unwanted side effects.
PTSD is a mental health condition that develops after a person experiences a terrifying event. Symptoms of the condition include anxiety and memory issues. Traditionally, treatment for PTSD includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, including memory extinction therapy, and psychotherapy. These treatments last for several weeks. Medications to address depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances are also often prescribed.
CBD has been shown to decrease PTSD symptoms in humans and animals. One reason is that it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. It binds to CB1 receptors and reduces the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol.
In a small study published in 2018, researchers gave CBD to 11 patients with PTSD at an outpatient psychiatric clinic. The study lasted eight weeks and was followed by PCL-5 questionnaires every four weeks.
Substance Use Disorders
Substance use disorders (SUD) are patterns of drug or alcohol use that cause problems in your life. Problems include spending more time getting and using drugs or alcohol than you should, having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly. Being secretive about your drug use or lying to others. Having financial, legal or work-related problems because of your drug use. Taking risks to get more drugs or alcohol. Developing tolerance, or needing to use more of the drug to feel the same effects.
CBD has been shown in preclinical studies to have anti-addictive properties that involve interactions with distinct neurotransmission and functional regulation systems such as dopaminergic, opioidergic, endocannabinoid, serotonergic, glutamatergic, and hippocampal neurogenesis. The results suggest that CBD may be a therapeutic option for SUDs.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition that causes pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joints. It can cause fatigue and can also lead to other health complications. Patients with RA are wary of the harmful side effects of pharmaceutical medications and are often open to alternative therapies, including CBD products.
CBD interacts with endocannabinoid receptors in the body to reduce inflammation and help relieve pain. This natural compound can also prevent enzymes in the body from breaking down endocannabinoids, which helps them last longer. Several studies have shown that CBD can be an effective pain treatment for people with RA. Anecdotal reports have also indicated that CBD can reduce pain intensity and improve sleep quality. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a debilitating movement disorder caused by the death of dopamine-producing brain cells. Symptoms include uncontrollable shaking, stiffness and difficulty walking. Other symptoms can include problems with balance and coordination, memory issues, sleep disturbances and depression.
CBD may help alleviate some of these symptoms, including tremors, but more research is needed. People with PD should always consult their doctor before trying new treatments.
Studies that show positive results for PD are often small and low quality, so larger, more in-depth studies are needed to determine whether CBD is safe and effective for treating PD. In addition, patients should be sure to only use high-quality CBD products that are third-party tested and verified for safety and potency. They should also discuss the specific terpenes in each product with their doctor.
Multiple Sclerosis
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis can be debilitating, affecting the quality of life of those affected. Spasticity, pain, tremor, bladder dysfunction and sleep disturbance are common symptoms. Medicinal cannabis has been shown to be effective in alleviating these symptoms and improving the overall quality of life for those suffering from the condition.
CBD, a non-psychotropic cannabinoid found in cannabis, binds to the endocannabinoid receptors which are found throughout the body. CBD has been shown to reduce neuropathic pain, spasticity and mobility issues as well as improving sleep disturbances. Studies using oromucosal spray Nabiximol and oral cannabis extracts have shown significant improvement in spasticity, while other MS symptoms indicate slight improvement. The evidence supporting the effectiveness of medicinal cannabis is increasing. The products must be bought from reputable retailers to ensure the quality of the ingredients used.